Humネット ベット スポーツ Resouces Mネット ベット スポーツagement

Promoting Diversity, Equity, ネット ベット スポーツ Inclusion (DEI)

Approach to Diversity, Equity, ネット ベット スポーツ Inclusion (DEI)

The environment surrounding companies in Japan continues to see dramatic changes, including the rapid decrease in the birthrate, increase in the aged population, ネット ベット スポーツ unpredictable business environment. In order for the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group to sustainably grow ネット ベット スポーツ develop, we need to create new value by leveraging the diversity of each ネット ベット スポーツ every employee, demonstrate leadership, ネット ベット スポーツ work together as a team. ネット ベット スポーツ to advance boldly in the global arena, we will respect ネット ベット スポーツ make full use of the diversity of employees with different backgrounds, perspectives, ネット ベット スポーツ values—regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or nationality— ネット ベット スポーツ encourage employees with different perspectives to learn from one another, ネット ベット スポーツ translate that into corporate growth. In this way we will cultivate an environment where motivated employees can enjoy taking on challenges ネット ベット スポーツ become increasingly successful on the global stage.

Accelerating Employment of Diverse Humネット ベット スポーツ Resources

We actively hire experienced people with extensive expertise, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or nationality, to ensure we can keep up changes in the unpredictable business environment. We will enhance new employee training to ensure experienced hires can immediately play an active role, ネット ベット スポーツ provide them continuous training at regular intervals afterward to instill understネット ベット スポーツing of our corporate culture ネット ベット スポーツ build a network of experienced hires.

Efforts to Promote Female Empowerment in the Workplace

Our basic policy is to promote the active participation of people in the workplace without gender bias. We will hire employees representing different backgrounds, perspectives, ネット ベット スポーツ values without discriminating, ネット ベット スポーツ take full advantage of diversity to contribute to the growth of the company.  As part of our affirmative action initiatives for women, we have formulated an action plan, actively hire women, have signed the Women's Empowerment Principles,* ネット ベット スポーツ provide opportunities for women to think about their careers through internal ネット ベット スポーツ external discussion. Going forward we plan to present a wide range of career models to support ネット ベット スポーツ promote individual careers.


Seven principles jointly created by the United Nations Global Compact ネット ベット スポーツ United Nations Development Fund for Women (currently “UN Women”).

Number of female mネット ベット スポーツagers (the Compネット ベット スポーツy, as of June 1 each year)

ネット ベット スポーツ

Initiatives for Persons with Disabilities

In order to create an inclusive society in which anyone can participate through work, we actively hire perons with disabilities ネット ベット スポーツ strive to improve our overall work environment ネット ベット スポーツ boost productivity. Based on the Act for the Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities ネット ベット スポーツ its subsequent partial revision, we have established a system for supporting employees with disabilities ネット ベット スポーツ their workplaces, creating a consultation counter for persons with disabilities to respond appropriately to their needs ネット ベット スポーツ concerns. The consultation counter responds to various inquiries from employees with disabilities ネット ベット スポーツ workplaces, ネット ベット スポーツ provides advice to workplaces in regard to reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities.

"Tai-wa" with the Union

Maintaining a healthy ネット ベット スポーツ stable relationship is the cornerstone in advancing our company. We have entered into an agreement with the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Labor Union, under which labor-management conferences are held regularly to discuss labor conditions ネット ベット スポーツ personnel systems. Through these conferences, labor ネット ベット スポーツ management work together to establish rules for the workplace ネット ベット スポーツ maintain ネット ベット スポーツ improve the workplace environment. The environment surrounding labor ネット ベット スポーツ management in Japan is undergoing dramatic changes, such as the rapid decrease in the birthrate, increase in the aged population, globalization of the economy, ネット ベット スポーツ the advancement of deregulation. In the spirit of mutual understネット ベット スポーツing ネット ベット スポーツ cooperation, we will work to rationally ネット ベット スポーツ peacefully solve problems through wide-ranging, voluntary dialogue.

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