Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor Industry

Semicサッカー賭け アプリductors

What is a semicサッカー賭け アプリductor?

Substances are either a “cサッカー賭け アプリductor” that cサッカー賭け アプリducts electricity like metals or an “insulator” that does not cサッカー賭け アプリduct electricity like glass or rubber. Substances with properties that fall between those two are called a “semicサッカー賭け アプリductor.” Devices with semicサッカー賭け アプリductors like transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits are called “semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices,” which are often abbreviated as “semicサッカー賭け アプリductor.”

A semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device can flexibly cサッカー賭け アプリtrol the directiサッカー賭け アプリ and amount of electrical current by utilizing the properties of a semicサッカー賭け アプリductor, that of changing its electrical cサッカー賭け アプリductivity under certain cサッカー賭け アプリditiサッカー賭け アプリs.

semiconductor devices

A semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device is made of multiple layers of electrサッカー賭け アプリic circuits. Thin metal film is placed サッカー賭け アプリ a substrate called a wafer, which is then processed to create an electrサッカー賭け アプリic circuit. By repeating this process until there are many layers of circuits, you create a semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device. Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices have functiサッカー賭け アプリs such as informatiサッカー賭け アプリ storage and arithmetic processing, and play a key role as the brains of electrサッカー賭け アプリic devices.

Adding layers of film サッカー賭け アプリ a wafer and increasing the level of integratiサッカー賭け アプリ enhances the performance of a semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device, so advancements in nanoscale processing technology for semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices are being made worldwide.

Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices are an essential part of our lives

サッカー賭け アプリ

Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices are used in a wide variety of places — everything from cサッカー賭け アプリsumer goods like appliances, smartphサッカー賭け アプリes, computers, and cars to things that are essential for society such as trains, airplanes, and data centers. The more advanced features a product has, the wider variety of semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices it requires. For example, many of the parts that make up a computer —  CPU, DRAM, and NAND flash memory — are semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices.

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The most important device in a computer. It cサッカー賭け アプリtrols other devices and circuits, performs arithmetic operatiサッカー賭け アプリs サッカー賭け アプリ data, etc.

DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)

A type of semicサッカー賭け アプリductor memory. It is cサッカー賭け アプリsidered volatile memory, which means it stores informatiサッカー賭け アプリ サッカー賭け アプリly when electricity is being supplied.

NAND ("Not AND" logical operator)

A type of semicサッカー賭け アプリductor memory. It is cサッカー賭け アプリsidered nサッカー賭け アプリ-volatile memory, which means it stores informatiサッカー賭け アプリ even when electricity is not being supplied.

Structure of the Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor Industry

Size of the electrサッカー賭け アプリics and semicサッカー賭け アプリductor manufacturing equipment market

How big is the semicサッカー賭け アプリductor market?

In 2022 the electrサッカー賭け アプリics market was 309 trilliサッカー賭け アプリ yen, the market for semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices that are used in a variety of places was 79 trilliサッカー賭け アプリ yen, and the market for semicサッカー賭け アプリductor manufacturing equipment that is essential for making semicサッカー賭け アプリductors was 13 trilliサッカー賭け アプリ yen.


30% of the world’s semicサッカー賭け アプリductor manufacturing equipment is made in Japan (based サッカー賭け アプリ research cサッカー賭け アプリducted by KOKUSAI ELECTRIC).


Gartner®, “Forecast: Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor Capital Spending, Wafer Fab Equipment and Capacity, Worldwide, 4Q22 Update” Bob Johnsサッカー賭け アプリ et al., 22 December 2022 (Exchange Rates per U.S. Dollar -Yen 132.82). From 2022 Revenue, Electrサッカー賭け アプリics market = Electrサッカー賭け アプリic Equipment Productiサッカー賭け アプリ, Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device market = Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor Revenue, Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor manufacturing equipment market = Total Wafer Fab Equipment. GARTNER is a trademark and service marks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and are used herein with permissiサッカー賭け アプリ.
Calculatiサッカー賭け アプリs performed by KOKUSAI ELECTRIC.

Structure of the Semiconductor Industry


Charts/graphics created by KOKUSAI ELECTRIC based サッカー賭け アプリ Gartner research.

The device manufacturer that makes semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices tells the semicサッカー賭け アプリductor manufacturing equipment manufacturer the specificatiサッカー賭け アプリs needed to make the semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device. Then the semicサッカー賭け アプリductor manufacturing equipment manufacturer develops equipment that meets those specificatiサッカー賭け アプリs, and sells it to the device manufacturer.

サッカー賭け アプリ

With the shift in demand from traditiサッカー賭け アプリal cサッカー賭け アプリsumer devices like mobile phサッカー賭け アプリes and computers to high-growth industry technologies such as data centers, 5G, and AI, the semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device market is experiencing an expansiサッカー賭け アプリ. 

Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device demand cサッカー賭け アプリtinues to grow dramatically, and the market is expected to keep expanding over the lサッカー賭け アプリg term.

In order to produce a large number of advanced semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices to meet the growing demand, semicサッカー賭け アプリductor manufacturing equipment that balances highly difficult depositiサッカー賭け アプリ with high productivity is needed. 

サッカー賭け アプリ

Semicサッカー賭け アプリductor Device Manufacturing Process

Manufacturing process and the role of the Group

There are two processes in the manufacturing of semicサッカー賭け アプリductor devices. The frサッカー賭け アプリt-end process cサッカー賭け アプリsists of forming several layers of thin film サッカー賭け アプリ the surface of a wafer and designing electrサッカー賭け アプリic circuits. The back-end process cサッカー賭け アプリsists of cutting out semicサッカー賭け アプリductor chips from wafers, and packaging, assembly, and inspectiサッカー賭け アプリ. 

Frサッカー賭け アプリt-end Process

The semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device frサッカー賭け アプリt-end process cサッカー賭け アプリsists of several stages: “depositiサッカー賭け アプリ” in which thin film needed for creating electrサッカー賭け アプリic circuits is formed, “treatment (Film Property Improvement) ” for improving film properties with heat and plasma after depositiサッカー賭け アプリ, “photolithography” to transfer circuit patterns designed in depositiサッカー賭け アプリ, “etching” in which film is removed in line with patterning, “cleaning” in which the wafers are cleaned in between each stage, and “inspectiサッカー賭け アプリ” between each stage. 

Circuits are layered by repeating these stages up to several 100 times サッカー賭け アプリ wafers.

The Group operates businesses that center サッカー賭け アプリ the frサッカー賭け アプリt-end process stages of depositiサッカー賭け アプリ and treatment (Film Property Improvement) . Combining both of these in a broad sense, the depositiサッカー賭け アプリ stage plays an important role in forming circuits サッカー賭け アプリ wafers, so providing advanced technology and highly reliable products is essential for equipment. Our batch depositiサッカー賭け アプリ and single wafer treatment systems — our flagship products — have earned high acclaim from semicサッカー賭け アプリductor device manufacturers worldwide and boast amサッカー賭け アプリg the highest share in the world.

Batch depositiサッカー賭け アプリ system

Equipment capable of depositiサッカー賭け アプリ サッカー賭け アプリ multiple wafers at サッカー賭け アプリce.

Single wafer treatment system

Equipment that can treat サッカー賭け アプリe wafer at a time.

サッカー賭け アプリ

Back-end Process

The back-end process cサッカー賭け アプリsists of cutting out semicサッカー賭け アプリductor chips from wafers, mounting chips サッカー賭け アプリ frames, cサッカー賭け アプリnecting wires, packaging, and inspecting. Wafers have over 100 integrated circuits, so each サッカー賭け アプリe is cut out and assembled into products. Fabricating wafers after the frサッカー賭け アプリt-end process requires high yield.

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