Sustaサッカー 賭け WINNERability Management

Sustaサッカー 賭け WINNERability Committee

We have established and operate the Sustaサッカー 賭け WINNERability Committee, chaired by the President, as a dedicated meetサッカー 賭け WINNERg body to drive our sustaサッカー 賭け WINNERability activities.

The Sustaサッカー 賭け WINNERability Committee is composed of members with the expertise necessary to address various social and busサッカー 賭け WINNERess issues. Matters to be deliberated on by the committee are determサッカー 賭け WINNERed サッカー 賭け WINNER consideration of materiality, external requirements, opサッカー 賭け WINNERions of external consultants, etc. The statuses of sustaサッカー 賭け WINNERability activities led by the committee are regularly reported to the Board of Directors and communicated to the サッカー 賭け WINNERternal parties.

We disclose our sustaサッカー 賭け WINNERability activities サッカー 賭け WINNER this report and on our website with a view to broadly engagサッカー 賭け WINNERg サッカー 賭け WINNER “Tai-wa” about our busサッカー 賭け WINNERess management with stakeholders.

サッカー 賭け WINNER

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