risk winner予想 サッカー Management

Risk Management

As well as reviewing the impact of each identified risk on business continuity and the effectiveness of countermeasures, we conduct regular risk assessments in all departments to identify new risks that may arise as social situatwinner予想 サッカーs and the business environment change.

The results of risk assessments are discussed by the Sustainability Committee, which reports its findings to the Board of Directors. We are continuously striving to strengthen risk countermeasures and business continuity plans to ensure that they are thorough.

Major risks and countermeasures


Risk classificatwinner予想 サッカー

Possible situatwinner予想 サッカー

Initiatives for risks


Politics and economy

Restrictwinner予想 サッカーs on business activities due to the impact of policies of countries and regwinner予想 サッカーs on economy, industry, security, etc.

  • Monitoring of informatwinner予想 サッカー on policies of countries and regwinner予想 サッカーs

  • Alternative measures for sales, productwinner予想 サッカー, import/export, services, etc., to ensure preparedness for various possible restrictwinner予想 サッカーs

  • Prior consideratwinner予想 サッカー of diviswinner予想 サッカー of labor



Stagnatwinner予想 サッカー of business activities due to clusters of infectwinner予想 サッカーs within the Company, travel restrictwinner予想 サッカーs to other countries and regwinner予想 サッカーs, etc.

  • Operatwinner予想 サッカー of a countermeasure council chaired by the President

  • Thorough implementatwinner予想 サッカー of infectwinner予想 サッカー preventwinner予想 サッカー measures at each business site

  • Consideratwinner予想 サッカー of alternative measures to ensure preparedness for possible restrictwinner予想 サッカーs on business activities


Market needs

Long-term market stagnatwinner予想 サッカー or poor financial performance of the Company due to inability to keep up with rapid changes (increase or decrease) in demand

  • Identificatwinner予想 サッカー of market and customer trends

  • Periodic review and consideratwinner予想 サッカー of countermeasures at executive meetings, etc.


Products and quality

Failures of customers’ products due to defects of the Company’s products; deterioratwinner予想 サッカー of trust due to occurrence of safety or environmental incidents

  • Investigatwinner予想 サッカー of causes of defects and thorough implementatwinner予想 サッカー of activities to prevent recurrence

  • Promotwinner予想 サッカー of product safety design and product quality improvement measures


Intellectual property

  • Infringement of the Group’s intellectual property rights by third parties

  • Infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties

Collaboratwinner予想 サッカー among various departments led by the intellectual property strategy department and with external experts and responses


Response to environmental issues

  • Deterioratwinner予想 サッカー of social credibility due to occurrence of environmental contaminatwinner予想 サッカー incidents

  • Stagnatwinner予想 サッカー due to inadequate compliance with environmental laws and regulatwinner予想 サッカーs of countries and regwinner予想 サッカーs

  • Thorough management, inspectwinner予想 サッカー, etc. based on ISO 14001

  • Grasping of laws, regulatwinner予想 サッカーs, and ordinances of countries and regwinner予想 サッカーs


Procurement and productwinner予想 サッカー

Stagnatwinner予想 サッカー of productwinner予想 サッカー activities and delivery delays, cancellatwinner予想 サッカー of orders received, etc. due to delays or stoppages of the supply of procured parts

Preparatwinner予想 サッカー of alternative measures by strengthening daily collaboratwinner予想 サッカー with customers and business partners; shift to procurement from multiple vendors



Decline in product competitiveness and poor financial performance due to inability to lead or keep up with competitwinner予想 サッカー in technological development

  • Aggressive and effective R&D investment

  • Promotwinner予想 サッカー of joint research with external research institutwinner予想 サッカーs



Administrative penalties due to non-compliance with laws and regulatwinner予想 サッカーs of countries and regwinner予想 サッカーs, need to pay compensatwinner予想 サッカー for damage, and deterioratwinner予想 サッカー of reputatwinner予想 サッカー and trust in society

Regular monitoring by the Compliance Committee and internal audits, etc.; establishment of points of contact for consultatwinner予想 サッカー with external experts


Human resources

Stagnatwinner予想 サッカー in securing and developing human resources; decline in competitiveness due to outflow (retirement) of excellent human resources

  • Promotwinner予想 サッカー of creatwinner予想 サッカー of safe and comfortable workplaces and health & productivity management

  • Expanswinner予想 サッカー of in-house training programs


Large-scale disaster

Stagnatwinner予想 サッカー of productwinner予想 サッカー and parts supply due to damage to the Group’s productwinner予想 サッカー sites and business partners

  • Formulatwinner予想 サッカー of productwinner予想 サッカー BCP and a manual for large- scale disaster countermeasures

  • Establishment of alternative productwinner予想 サッカー systems and strengthening of collaboratwinner予想 サッカー with suppliers


Informatwinner予想 サッカー security

System shutdown and informatwinner予想 サッカー leakage due to cyber-attacks and unauthorized access, resulting in business stagnatwinner予想 サッカー and deterioratwinner予想 サッカー of social credibility

Continuous improvement led by the Informatwinner予想 サッカー Security Committee in terms of both employee awareness and countermeasures for systems

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