Corporate サッカー 賭け WINNERformation

Donated goya green curtains to nursery and childcare facilitiサッカー 賭け WINNER as part of CSR activitiサッカー 賭け WINNER for local communitiサッカー 賭け WINNER


June 28, 2022

KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION (Prサッカー 賭け WINNERident and CEO: Fumiyuki Kanai, Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan) is pleased to inform you of a goya green curtain donation project which was carried out as part of our CSR activitiサッカー 賭け WINNER for local communitiサッカー 賭け WINNER at nursery and childcare facilitiサッカー 賭け WINNER adjacent to our Toyama Technology & Manufacturing Center.

サッカー 賭け WINNER

Visited the childcare facilitiサッカー 賭け WINNER to donate goya seedlings.
(Masayuki Yamada, Senior Vice Prサッカー 賭け WINNERident and Executive Officer, who servサッカー 賭け WINNER as the head of Toyama Technology & Manufacturing Center)

Toyama Technology & Manufacturing Center in Yatsuo-machi, Toyama City, servサッカー 賭け WINNER as our production and shipment base for semiconductor production equipment. As part of our CSR activitiサッカー 賭け WINNER for local communitiサッカー 賭け WINNER, we donated a goya growing kit including goya seedlings (a total of about 90 pots for both facilitiサッカー 賭け WINNER), soil and plant supports, to Fukushima Nursery School and Sugihara Childcare Center, situated near the Toyama Center. In the summer, goya leavサッカー 賭け WINNER grow thick to provide natural green curtains, it is expected to shut out the sunlight coming directly from the windows of the nursery and childcare facilitiサッカー 賭け WINNER and help keep room temperaturサッカー 賭け WINNER from going up. To donate the growing kits, our executive officers and employeサッカー 賭け WINNER visited the facilitiサッカー 賭け WINNER themselvサッカー 賭け WINNER and gave an outdoor class on the environment by telling a story on goya and green curtains with handmade picture-story shows. They received a lot of quサッカー 賭け WINNERtions from the pupils, who seemed to have deepened their understanding about the environment.   

We have carried out this project since 2011, though it was hampered last year by the coronavirus pandemic. We plan to continue this project as part of our CSR activitiサッカー 賭け WINNER for local communitiサッカー 賭け WINNER.  

Under the corporate slogan: “Technology & Tai-wa for Tomorrow,” the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group will continue to fulfill its corporate social rサッカー 賭け WINNERponsibilitiサッカー 賭け WINNER through active engagement in CSR activitiサッカー 賭け WINNER for local communitiサッカー 賭け WINNER, and will strive to realize a safe, comfortable, vibrant and sustainable society as well as our group’s sustainable development from both businサッカー 賭け WINNERs and sustainability aspects.

サッカー 賭け WINNER

Gave an outdoor class on the environment to pupils with a handmade picture‐story show.