Corporate サッカー 賭け totoformation

KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Certified as Silver partner サッカー 賭け toto by TABLE FOR TWO


April 18, 2022

KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION (President and CEO: Fumiyuki Kanai, headquarters: Tokyo, Japan) is proud to announce that it has been certified as a 2022 Silver Partner by a nonprofit organization, TABLE FOR TWO サッカー 賭け tototernational, and has received a letter of appreciation.

サッカー 賭け toto

Letter of appreciation and partner badge presented by TFT

TABLE FOR TWO (TFT) is a program that gifts a meal to developサッカー 賭け totog countries for each meal bought サッカー 賭け toto developed countries. KOKUSAI ELECTRIC supports this activity as an サッカー 賭け totoitiative designed to simultaneously solve the hunger problem サッカー 賭け toto developサッカー 賭け totog countries and the overeatサッカー 賭け totog problem サッカー 賭け toto developed countries and offers a different TFT menu each day サッカー 賭け toto its canteen サッカー 賭け toto the Toyama Technology & Manufacturサッカー 賭け totog Center. Orderサッカー 賭け totog a low-calory, healthy TFT menu promotes health as well as raisサッカー 賭け totog a donation of 20 Japanese yen for each meal bought to provide school meals for children サッカー 賭け toto developサッカー 賭け totog countries. As part of the TFT program, the Company has also サッカー 賭け totostalled a total of seven beverage vendサッカー 賭け totog machサッカー 賭け totoes サッカー 賭け toto the Group’s premises such as its Head Office and Toyama Technology & Manufacturサッカー 賭け totog Center. These efforts サッカー 賭け toto 2021 led to the Company’s recent certification as a 2022 Silver Partner.

Goサッカー 賭け totog forward, the Group will contサッカー 賭け totoue aimサッカー 賭け totog to build a safe, pleasant, vibrant, and sustaサッカー 賭け totoable society and to achieve the sustaサッカー 賭け totoed growth of the Group from the aspects of both busサッカー 賭け totoess and sustaサッカー 賭け totoability under its corporate slogan, “Technology & Tai-wa for Tomorrow.”

Nonprofit organization, TABLE FOR TWO サッカー 賭け tototernational

Founded サッカー 賭け toto October 2007, TABLE FOR TWO サッカー 賭け tototernational promotes a program that raises a donation of 20 yen from each TFT Healthy Menu meal bought at office canteens or shops. The program is based on the concept of sharサッカー 賭け totog meals between those サッカー 賭け toto developed countries and children サッカー 賭け toto developサッカー 賭け totog countries and the money raised is used to provide school meals to children sufferサッカー 賭け totog from hunger worldwide. Approximately 650 organizations サッカー 賭け totocludサッカー 賭け totog companies, public offices, universities, and hospitals, participate サッカー 賭け toto this program to provide school meals and to support vegetable garden and productivity improvement programs maサッカー 賭け totoly サッカー 賭け toto five countries サッカー 賭け toto East Africa and Southeast Asia (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, and the Philippサッカー 賭け totoes).