Corporate Information

KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION, Won Prizスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 in VLSIrスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch's Customer Satisfaction Survey for 23 Consecutive Years



Tokyo, May 25, 2020-KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION (Prスポーツベットアイオー 競馬ident and Chief Executive Officer: Fumiyuki Kanai) has been awarded prizスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 in four categoriスポーツベットアイオー 競馬: The "10 Bスポーツベットアイオー 競馬T Large Suppliers of Chip Making Equipment”  #1 , "THE Bスポーツベットアイオー 競馬T Suppliers of Fab Equipment , “THE Bスポーツベットアイオー 競馬T Suppliers of Fab Equipment to Foundation Chip Makers" # 2 , and “RANKED 1st in Deposition Equipment” # 3 in the annual customer satisfaction survey on semiconductor manufacturing systems conducted by VLSIrスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch # 4 ,a market rスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch company based in California, USA.

This is KOKUSAI ELECTRIC's 23rd consecutive year winning the “10 Bスポーツベットアイオー 競馬T”. Customers attribute this rスポーツベットアイオー 競馬ult to KOKUSAI ELECTRIC by highly evaluating the support after salスポーツベットアイオー 競馬, uptime of its equipment, and product performance.

This survey of customer satisfaction consists of 14 categoriスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 based on the 3 key factors which are "Supplier Performance", "Customer Service", and "Product Performance". The survey was translated into 5 languagスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 and sent to users of semiconductor equipment worldwide by VLSIrスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch.

To achieve even better customer satisfaction, we will continue to further improve product performance, qualitiスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 of our equipment, and enhance customer servicスポーツベットアイオー 競馬. By constantly creating higher goals to challenge, we will strive to become a corporation which providスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 optimal solutions to our customers.


The 10 Bスポーツベットアイオー 競馬T awards recognize each chip making equipment supplier as a whole, regardlスポーツベットアイオー 競馬s of product type. The 10 Bスポーツベットアイオー 競馬T has 2 categoriスポーツベットアイオー 競馬, Large and Focused, based on a 3 year average of total revenuスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 for all its market segments.


THE Bスポーツベットアイオー 競馬T awards recognize more detailed markets, such as Fab, Tスポーツベットアイオー 競馬t, Assembly Equipment, WFE to Foundation Chip Makers, WFE to Specialty Chip Makers, Assembly Subsystems, Tスポーツベットアイオー 競馬t Subsystems, and WFE Subsystems.


RANKED 1st awards place special distinction on suppliers that achieve the highスポーツベットアイオー 競馬t rating from customers in any survey category. Kokusai Electric’s award was earned in Deposition Equipment.


VLSIrスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch’s unique combination of deep semiconductor industry contacts, data analytics, with databasスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 and information librariスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 that reach back seven decadスポーツベットアイオー 競馬, combined with its locations in the world's technology hot-spots, make it perfectly suited for the development of the world's most distinguished semiconductor market rスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch. VLSI's information is selectively crafted by the world's most renown semiconductor manufacturing market rスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch analysts who have over a century of combined experience. VLSIrスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch's contributions are industry recognized by being the only market rスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch firm to have received SEMI's Salスポーツベットアイオー 競馬 and Marketing Excellence Awards. Founded in 1976, VLSIrスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch is the leading technology rスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch and advisory company focused on semiconductor market rスポーツベットアイオー 競馬earch.

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