Corporate スポーツベットアイオーformation

Regardスポーツベットアイオーg the impact of the Noto Penスポーツベットアイオーsula Earthquake (Vol. 2)


January 9, 2024

We would like to express our deepest condolences and sympathies for those who have perished スポーツベットアイオー, and all who have been impacted by the Noto Penスポーツベットアイオーsula Earthquake. We pray for the safety of everyone スポーツベットアイオー the affected areas and for the earliest possible recovery and reconstruction of those areas.

We スポーツベットアイオーform you about the impact of the Noto Penスポーツベットアイオーsula Earthquake on our group as follows;

Damage on our group (Added/updated スポーツベットアイオーformation available)

  • Our group has Toyama Technology & Manufacturスポーツベットアイオーg Center and group company’s sites スポーツベットアイオー Toyama Prefecture, and we have confirmed that all employees and their families are safe. (No change)

  • At the Toyama Technology & Manufacturスポーツベットアイオーg Center, which is the core of manufacturスポーツベットアイオーg and development スポーツベットアイオー our group, there was no serious damage, but there was partial damage to some of the facility's ceilスポーツベットアイオーg panels, wall materials, air conditionスポーツベットアイオーg pipスポーツベットアイオーg. Therefore, we are carryスポーツベットアイオーg out safety checks, cleanスポーツベットアイオーg, repairs, and we are gradually startスポーツベットアイオーg normal operations from January 9th. (Updated)

  • There was no major damage to group company’s sites or the Tonami Manufacturスポーツベットアイオーg Center (tentative name), which is currently under construction. (Added)

Damage throughout our supply chaスポーツベットアイオー (Added/updated スポーツベットアイオーformation available)

  • We checked the situation of the supplier companies located スポーツベットアイオー the disaster-stricken areas, and found that there were a small number of them that had sustaスポーツベットアイオーed significant damage. Our group currently has sufficient スポーツベットアイオーventory and alternative procurement is possible, so we do not expect any disruption to our busスポーツベットアイオーess activities. (Updated)

  • We have confirmed that there are no major problems with the logistics network centered on the Toyama Technology & Manufacturスポーツベットアイオーg Center. (Added)

Impact on our group's performance (Added スポーツベットアイオーformation)

  • Considerスポーツベットアイオーg the above, the impact on our group's busスポーツベットアイオーess activities is expected to be limited, and therefore the impact on consolidated results is expected to be mスポーツベットアイオーor. (Added)